About Me

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delhi, India
I am a student,blogger. I'm a simple human being...and belive in god

Thursday 21 June 2012


My Memories are part of my happiness  or u may say its a secret of my happiness.... so i try to catch every moment of my life in my camera my diary whenever feel sad i start a look to my album after doing so feel good in my mind ...... now a day i have more than  500 sweet memories i collect ........some few are make me sad but some of them always make me happy when ever i want to go in past i use this way ....... n now sharing one of them

Friday 6 April 2012

Think think and thinkThink think and think
I always try like other to think what why we just think we don't have to wast our time in thinking what without think nothing is possible so this was also compulsory to think something.
Think think and think                                          "socha tha maine kch socha tha maine "
                                          "par sochu kya ye bhi socha tha maine"
Think think and think                                         "aaj bhi hu yhi sochne mai busy kyu socha tha maine"
we have lots of topic to think but who first we have to think .......................this was not the first so moral of the avove is think think and think
Think think and think

Thursday 22 December 2011

Life is beautiful

Life is beautiful everyone known... but i belive in this when i feel this frm mahh own experince my fel about life is like water it take shaps according to our thinking n mind whenever we r happy our about life is wow and when sad we think negitive about life i fel our life just depend on us if want a hapy life have to enjoy each n every color of life then only we will came to kmw beauti of life you know their is no one more beautiful then life every life every day every mnt have its own story

I always try to knw every think i fel so many color of life till but now also much more r left some times when we try to understand al abt this life we always try best on our level but nt able to do beause its so vast in reamlity evey time we get a new difination a new stroy which was never define by words so try to caugh few color or can say few movment as a memory always  and afer all this Aso at end of in mahh views about life......

I explain my life in a single line as i fell my life is much more beautifull  not explainable every minut have its own Story ............

Friday 9 December 2011


 Heart touching  line i never forget all of them...so sweet they all we meet when me and my friend Amulya going our exam center i save this preious movment by clicking a pick and you know when i say about i wanna take one pick with you they all are so execited and say phle mera pick lo phle mera like we are cameing for film shoot such a enjoyble and when we start photograpy  then what happen we both say bhago and go from their but next day when i am alone i meet again with all of them and they give me a Sweet Gift which was  realy so sweet and peice less   for me and usully i dont like to were a RING but this ring i love it and this was in mahh hand from that time ......I try to caught all this in my phone but little few only i able to which are as ........   :)

Friday 11 November 2011

Basic of Keyboard

Alphabets  for Computer user’s

Ctrl + A               à      Select All

Ctrl +  B             à     Bold

Ctrl +  C              à      Copy

Ctrl +  D              à     Font

Ctrl +  E               à     Center Paragraph

Ctrl +  F               à     Find

Ctrl +  G              à     Go to

Ctrl +  H              à     Replace

Ctrl +  I                à     Italic

Ctrl +  J               à     Justify paragraph

Ctrl +  K              à     Hyper link

Ctrl +  L               à     Left Paragraph

Ctrl +  M              à       Indent

Ctrl +  N              à     New

Ctrl +  O              à     Open

Ctrl +  P              à     Print

Ctrl +  Q             à     Reset Paragraph

Ctrl +  R              à     Right Paragraph

Ctrl +  S               à     Save

Ctrl +  T               à     Hanging Indent

Ctrl +  U              à     Apply or Underline

Ctrl +  V              à     Paste

Ctrl +  W            à     Document close

Ctrl +  X              à     Cut

Ctrl +  Y               à     Redo or Repeat
Ctrl +  Z               à     Undo

Friday 4 November 2011

Diwali D-Grade ?

Diwali  D-Grade ?

Diwali the most famous  most beautiful festival in India .
Which shows our culture. In which we enjoy and waiting for this every year.
In this day we enjoy this festival how much we can’t define.. everything is lighting so this is also called the festival of light but accept this we use CRAKER’S ..  Now came to the point what I want to discuss  here. We all aware about some most common and dangers Problem like pollution, population etc.
All time every year govt. make rules to control Pollution and we all participate in this all activity and say we’ll work for this as much as we can. all year we’ll do this but What WE DO ???
As much as we control this problem to overcome this in just one day we break this records.
And  whatever we save control all hard work of Hole year we forget  just one day and as we know about our population  so high this is . if every person use one craker then how much  pollut in just one day and as we know we use crakers as much as we can so what is the RESULT we all understand. and because of us we make this beautifull festivel after fully enjoy D- GRADE.


                                           A BOOK TO HELP YOU……(Basic ..Part I )
By Neha Chandel
        Hypertext markup language.
Web pages can be created using Html, also called as the internet language. Hypertext refers to the content in a web page that including text, pictures and sound.
WEB BROWSER à  Web browsers are capable   of  :
Displaying web pages containing text and  pictures , playing sound and video files , Linking web pages. 
Features of  Web Browser
è Different web sites can be viewed at the same time by opening more than one web browser window.
è The frequently browsed web site addresses can be stored in the web browser.
è  A web browser has options to move to the previous and next web pages.
è A web browser has options to save the web page and to print the web page.

Coding part……………………
An html document comprise of Html element. Html element are repersented by html tags. A web browser identifies each element by its tags. Tags are used to identify each element.  Tqages enclose the name of elements with in angular brackets. Tags are not case sensitive. Html tags comprise of a left angular bracket or a less than symbol(<) followed by the name of the element and closed by a right angular bracket or a greater than symbol(>). For example, the HTML element tag will be written as <HTML>.

Structure of an HTML document
à Html
è    Body
Html Element  :     <html >….<html>
Head element :    <head>
                        <Title >Introduction to html </Title >
Body element :     <body>…………</body>
=Setting backgrounds for a web page
To change background color = <body bg color=”blue” >
background color as images   = <body bg color=”blue.jpg” >
Heading element
Html define six level of headings. A heading element can be used to specift all the font  change 
The heading sizes ranges from <H1> to <h6>. The codes given below will display the heading range.
<h1> heading 1</h1>
<h2> heading 2</h2>
<h3> heading 3</h3>
<h4> heading41</h4>
<h5> heading 5</h5>
<h6> heading 6</h6>

The Align Attribute
To align heading in center, left or right, html provide the align attribute. This attribute is specified with in the heading element the sample code given below will display the heading in the center
                        <h1 Align = “Center >” Heading 1 </h1>
The color attributeà < Font color =”Red”> this text is in red </font>
Line Break Element à <br>
Bold <b>this is bold  text</b>
Underline element à <u> this is underline text</u>
Italics elementà <I>HTML </I>
Special effect ----  “<big> Tim burners –lee</big> at cern “
Subscript element:
H<SUB>2</SUB>o this show H2O
Superscript element: (power) 2<Sup>2</sup>=4
<hr Size = 5>
<hr width =45%>
<hr noshade>
<hr color =gray>
Comment à <comment> this is a comment entry and will not be displayed on the screen </comment>

        <body > <Marquee bgcolor=orange>welcome </marquee> </body>
        <body > <Marquee  Direction=left>welcome </marquee> </body>
        <body > <Marquee Behavior= scroll >welcome </marquee> </body>   (slide,alternate )
        <body > <Marquee loop=2 >  welcome </marquee> </body>
        <body > <Marquee scrollamount=5> welcome </marquee> </body>
Creating Lists
Unordered  List element :
<ul> OR <UL type = circle> ( square, fillround)
ordered  List element :
<OL> OR <OL type = 1> ( 1,a,I,i  )
Definition List element :
    <DL> <DT> definition  topic <DD> this this this and this is definition</DL>

<A  Href =”My school.doc ”> School </A>
Image’s in web pages
Gif:  Graphic Interchange formate.
Jpeg: joint photographic expert group.
à  < Img src = “Globe.gif”  align=left  >
à  < Img src = “Globe.gif”  Border=5  >
Alt attribute:
The attribute is used for displaying alternate text that will be displayed in place of the image in case the image is not available.
à  < Img src = “Globe.gif”  ALT = “CANN’T Display”  >
Audio in web pages
< Bgsound src =”barbie girl .mp3” >       
< Bgsound src =”barbie girl .mp3” Loop=3>
< Bgsound src =”barbie girl .mp3” loop=Infinite>

è   Table Header: <TH>……….</th>
è   Table  row : <tr>…….</tr>
è   Table data : <Td>……</td>
A simple data table  codeing :
  <.Table  >                           

Attributes of the table element :
è Align  : <Table align=Center  >(you can align the table to the left, right or center of the web pages.  )
è Height : <Table align=Center  Height=165  >
è Width  :  <Table align=Center  Height=165   width =145 >
è BGCOLOR :  <Table bgcolor =gray >
è Bordercolor :  <Table bgcolor =gray border =4 bordercolor=red  >
è Bordercolorlight:  <Table bgcolor =gray border =4 bordercolor=red  bordercolorlight=pink  >
è Bordercolordark : <Table bgcolor =gray border =4 bordercolor=red  bordercolordark=pink  >
è Background  : <table background =”sky.gif” >
Cellspacing attribute :  <Table border=4 cellspacing=10>
Cellspacing attribute :  <Table border=4 cellpadding=10>

Frames disply two or more web pages in a single web browser window. You need to create a frame document to create frames. A frame document resembles the HTML document except that the body element is replaced by a frameset container element. The structure of the frameset element is shown below.
<Title>this is my web</title>

Frameset element
Rows :  <frameset rows=”25%, 35%, 45%,45%”>….</frameset>
Cols  : <frameset cols =”30%,25%,45%,60%”>….</frameset>

§  SRC – the src attribute accepts the url of an html document that need to be displayed within the frame.
<Frameset cols=”50%, 40%”>
<Frame src =”1st.html”>
<Frame src =”2st.html”>
§  Scrooling < frame src =”1st.html”  scrolling=yes>
§  Noresize : when you want a frame not to be resized by the user. By default all frames are resizable.

the form element is a container element and its attributes are
1)      Action – the action attribute is a URL that would refer to the program written to process the information .
2)      Method – the method attribute is used for specifying how the contents in the form will be sent to the processing program.
In this we can add button lable textbox and so many other feature in this to make a beautiful  web page.
A small code sample is as follow where we add a button which take us to a new page.
<FORM ACTION="http://url.you.want.to.go.to/" METHOD=GET>
<INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="Text on button" NAME=foo>

The Web designing techniques
A part from HTML there are other techniques used to cerate Web pages. Many web sites support multimedia content and extensive user interactions. Elearning, Ecommerce and Egovernance have become common terms as Email. WEB Pages should be built using more powerful technology especially when the web sites support financial and commercial tracsactions. There are various web designing techniques prevalent in today’s Internet- driver world that effectively cater to multimedia requirements and user interactions.
è  Dhtml
è  Dreamweaver
è  Flash

Web Publishing
The process by which web pages are made as part of the world wide web is called web publishing it also refers to the process of setting up a web site which will be a collection of HTML document as web pages. The web site is a set up on a server. This server is connected to the Internet. Different companies or organizations that own servers are called web hosts.

Prerequisites for web publishing
1)                Setting the objectives
2)                Identifying the target audience

Web hosting
One of the most important feature of web hosting company is to provide an address to the web page of site.